Home Watch
Bonded & Insured
I take pride in providing you with the best services available to protect your investment. Communication is key to relationships and Joe Fix-It utilizes the best technology to prepare, evaluate and communicate the current condition of your investment. I look forward to the opportunity to help protect your investment and build a lasting relationship.
Joe Fix-IT, LLC uses business management software provided by Home Watch IT. The reports we send you are all professionally produced by us, using software that captures the GPS coordinates as well as the time and date that corresponding to the report’s creation. You have infallible evidence that your home was visited should you ever have an insurance claim or other need.
Home Watch is known by many names: house watch, house check, home concierge, caretaker, absentee home service, property watch, and so on. Regardless of the name, a Home Watch service performs scheduled inspections of “vacant” properties while the owner is away. The National Home Watch Association describes Home Watch as “a visual inspection of a home or property looking for obvious issues.”
These inspections include a basic check of plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems, as well as the overall condition of the home and property. Home Watch inspectors look at the house or condominium with a trained eye, making sure that everything is satisfactory. They look for leaks, pests and mold, all of which can be present in homes left alone for even the shortest interval.
Should the inspector find an issue or potential problem, they will immediately notify the homeowner. From there, the issue can be resolved by either the Home Watch service itself, or the homeowner will instruct the Home Watch service on how they want to proceed. By removing junk mail and flyers and creating a presence in the home, Home Watch adds a level of security to the vacant home. Home Watch is the line of communication to the homeowner that provides peace of mind during their absence.
Visual inspection of lawn and landscaping, exterior inspection of home for damage or intrusion, alarm sysem check, removal of mail, newspapers and fliers, interior security check, check operation of AC/Furnace, humidifier, circuit breakers and smoke detectors. I'll flush toilets and run faucets (if water is not shut off) and check for signs of water leaks, pest infestation, mold and mildew. Check all appliances, refrigerator(s), dishwasher, sinks, water heater, showers and tubs for leaks, moisture or mold. You will receive a detailed comprehensive report, with pictures, after every visit.
Closing Services:
Empty perishables from fridge, empty and turn off ice-maker, close blinds, set a/c and humidistat to away settings, unplug electrical items, turn off water at house unplug or turn off breaker to the water heater, cover toilets with plastic wrap and shut off valves, unplug washer and dryer, shut off water to washer, bring in or cover patio furniture, ensure trash removal, bring in containers, and check security of doors and windows.
Opening Services:
Turn on electric breakers, turn on main water, turn on water to washer, turn on hot water heater and ice maker, plug in electrical items, adjust A/C and humidistat, open blinds, freshen toilets and turn on valves, put out patio furniture.
Respond to alarm notification in a timely manner. Service call charges include property inspection after alarm notification and re-arming system. If Police are called I'll communicate with the police and meet with them if needed. Owner will be notified if there are any visible signs of intrusion or damage, and will be sent an e-mail report.
** Prices vary depending on size of home and requested services.
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